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Embodiment for the Revolution: A 5 Week Yin Series

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One could argue that this reckoning we are in the midst of is a consequence of generations of disembodiment. A pandemic arose because we stopped living in harmony with nature, forgetting that we are not separate from nature, that in fact our body is nature. We are in the midst of a revolution because we have forgotten that we are all one, forgotten that my body’s liberation is bound to your body’s liberation. There are profound planetary and social consequences to being disembodied, and until we can learn to fully occupy the space of our body there is only so much that we can do to help. How can we tend to the care and restoration of this earth if we cannot even recognize and honor our own body’s cries for care and restoration? Embodiment requires us to make contact with our own vulnerability. When we are in a truly embodied state we can feel the preciousness of our aliveness, our capacity for empathy and compassion deepens, thus we are better able to walk in our brothers and sisters shoes. When we are embodied we are able to act from a place of sovereignty rather than be subject to the noise and confusion of so many external authorities. Simply put: when we are embodied we are better to this earth and better to each other, and to wholly inhabit our bodies is a practice that ultimately serves the revolution.

This five week online series will be an opportunity to deepen your understanding of and relationship to the most sacred territory you will ever know: your own body. Through weekly lecture, yin practice, and group work you will learn some of the science of embodiment, yin yoga theory as a framework for coming to know the subtle energetics of your body, and how to orient your practice (both on and off the mat!) to the language of your body.

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