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In Reverence of Grief: A Workshop for Womxn – Yoga, Meditation, and Ceremony as Tools for Moving Through Grief

Grief runs deep in today’s world as we do the hard work of healing wounds, as we face the realities of profound racial injustice, a global pandemic, climate change, and loss of so many kinds.


Often when we hear the word ‘grief’ an immediate resistance rises in us as we imagine having to experience feelings that we don’t want to feel.  In our fast-paced culture we are often given the perfect out because people seem to need us to “get over it” and “move past it” so we can resume “normal” living that keeps people comfortable.


However, the truth is that when we deny our grief, an experience that is very much alive, we are denying a most sacred part of our shared experience; denying ourselves the opportunity to experience the full range of what it is to be human. In denying this, we close ourselves off from the Life Force that is seeking to move through us – the Life Force that is required in order for us to continue showing up to each day wholly for the hard work that is here and lies ahead.


This three hour workshop for women will offer you a safe and sacred space to slow down in order to cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself, your grief, and with your community. 

Through ceremony and the use of tools that include yoga, meditation, and sacred circle we will come together to explore ways to honor grief. The aim of this workshop is not to leave you wallowing in grief, rather to widen the scope of human experience that you are willing to unearth and feel. As William Blake once said: “The deeper the sorrow, the greater the joy.” 


By opening ourselves to grief, we ultimately open ourselves to an even greater capacity for joy.


“Grief work offers us a trail leading back to the vitality that is our birthright. When we fully honor our many losses, our lives become more fully able to embody the wild joy that aches to leap from our hearts into the shimmering world…To honor our grief, to grant it space and time in our frantic world, is to fulfill a covenant with soul – to welcome all that is, thereby granting room for our most authentic life.” -Francis Weller, The Wild Edge of Sorrow 

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