Human Design Workshop: Living with Radical Humanity with Alex Mufson

Human Design Workshop: Living with Radical Humanity with Alex Mufson


As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Alex realized she could do all the therapy in the world, but people didn't actually feel better until they changed two things: their relationship to work and to other people.  Insight didn't really matter if circumstance had someone trapped in opportunities and connections that were not in alignment with who they were.  When Alex discovered Human Design for herself it was a game changer in every aspect of her life-- instead of relying on insight and slow moving change, Human Design was the concrete mechanics she had been looking for!  Now, Alex creates change for those she mentors in one session of mechanics that used to take years in therapy, and there is no going back! 

Join us for an interactive one-hour seminar to understand how to align opportunities and connection, and how you care for yourself, with your design.  Alex will stay on for an optional thirty minute Q & A after the seminar for those who would like to stay!

The recording will be sent to all who register.

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